About Us

Note: We are not an official game website!

We hereby declare that only-up.org is an unofficial fan website dedicated to the popular platform game Only Up! Please note that our website, only-up.org, does not own the game Only Up! We merely serve as a platform where fans of the original game can gather and engage with related content. Our website has no affiliation or authorization from the game developer, SCKR Games.

The purpose of our website is to provide a space where fans can explore derivative games and fan - made adaptations inspired by Only Up, while maintaining the utmost respect for the integrity of the original game.

We would like to reiterate that only-up.org is purely a fan - generated website created by enthusiasts and should not be mistaken for an official version authorized by SCKR Games. We strongly recommend that all Only Up enthusiasts download the official application or play the game directly on the developer's website or its officially recognized affiliates.

We sincerely hope that our emulation of the game will inspire players to experience the genuine game and expand their support for the remarkable work accomplished by SCKR Games in establishing Only Up as a cornerstone of platform games.